Buy Twitter, ban Trump: former CIA agent tries to crowdfund $1bn purchase
Valerie Plame Wilson says Trump’s tweets ‘damage the country and put people in harm’s way’ but a majority stake in company would cost...
Buy Twitter, ban Trump: former CIA agent tries to crowdfund $1bn purchase
Ex-CIA Agent Wants to Buy Twitter to Kick Trump Off
Former CIA agent hopes to buy Twitter to kick Trump off
A Former CIA Officer Wants To Buy Twitter Just To Delete Trump's Account
Valerie Plame on how the intelligence community really feels about Trump
Ex-CIA operative Valerie Plame talks nuclear, cyber threats at CMU
Ex-spy Plame’s big worries: ‘reckless’ president, nuclear weapons
Women of the CIA: The Hidden History of American Spycraft
What’s It Like To Try And Be Normal After A Career As A Spy
How the CIA failed a spy who went missing in Iran